The first Step
The first step that had to be completed was to write the script for the radio advertisement. 
I was put in charge of writing the script, with input from the other members of the group. All the sound effects (SFX) and any music that was in the advertisement was to be included in the script. This aided within the recording stage as it let us know what we needed to record.
Below is the script that was written and used for the advertisement.
Hertz Script
The Second Step
As a group we went into the sound recording studio and recorded the dialogue and some of the sound effects using Logic Pro X.
We used three different voice actors for the dialogue, and we also used a mobile phone and laptop to record some of the sound effects that would feature in the recording.
We recorded the sound effects for the the cars engine revving, the car door closing and also the car pulling off. We used the zoom 4 to capture these sounds.
We went out to record a vehicle turning its engine on and driving a short distance. This gave us all the sound recordings that we needed to add to the recording.
The Third step
The first step to the editing process was selecting the best sound recordings for the dialogue. We then had to re-name these tracks and order them to correspond with the script. This was done to make the editing process easier.
The next step was to crop the excess off of the tracks which would leave only the bits that were needed. The passengers voice was compressed as we wanted a deep and mature voice. Also, the ambience was reduced to clear up any background noise that had been recorded.
For the other voice recordings the expander was used to reduce ratio, gain, and threshold, which overall reduced the background noise.
The car engine wasn't as deep as we wanted, so the rough kick effect was added to it so it sounded harsher, which increased the output and drive slightly. 
Sound loops where added in order to create a mysterious effect in the background whilst the lines were being said.
The Final Step 
After the sound recordings had all been gathered, and edited, we adjusted them so they all could be heard clearly when the final sound recording is played.  
Overall the final product is good but there are issues with the sound where some tracks drown out others and some words can't be heard. One way we could improve would be by setting the background volume lower at certain points so the dialogue can be heard.
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