The first Step
This was to take the photographs of the products. The products are Jah Drops and Marta Abello's Twin Collection.
Below are the original photographs that were taken.

Marta Abello Twin 1

Marta Abello Twin 2

Jah Drops 1

Jah Drops 2
the second Step
I took the selected photographs and opened them in Photoshop, to do some post editing to fix any issues with them. Such as over exposure or not enough detail appearing for the product. These products were shot in CR2 and NEF formate, which allows for none destructive editing to be done in Photoshop's Camera RAW editing software.
Camera RAW allows for me to edit the exposure, lights and darks, shadows and many different elements. If we look at Marta Abello Twin 1 and Marta Abello Twin 2 photographs, we can see that the images are very dark, so I will edit the exposure, whites, blacks, lights and darks plus shadows. This will make the photographs brighter, with doing this it will also increase the colour of the product, so I will go into the vibrance settings and adjust the oranges and yellows as these colours appear in the product. The finale step for these products is to add the detail to the wood, there is an area that allows for increasing and decreasing clarity and texture, I will up these slightly to bring out the wood of the product.
The edited photos are below.

Marta Abello Twin 1 Edited

Marta Abello Twin 2 Edited
I carried out the same method in Camera RAW for editing the Jah Drops photographs, the only thing I added was in one of the photographs I went into the vibrance settings and adjusted the red as well as this coloured featured in the products and on some of the packaging.

Jah Drops 1 Edited

Jah Drops 2 Edited
The Third Step
Now I selected my favourite photographs for each product, i'm now tasked with turning them into posters.
To create the posters I opened a new Photoshop file at the size of A4, and imported the edit photograph into it. I carried this out for both of the product posters.
Marta Abello
With Marta Abello's poster I selected the product from the image and exported it as a .PNG file so I would be able to overlay it and straighten the product. I also created a rectangle and gave it the colour of the background and placed it above the original image and adjusted the opacity, this was to add a bit more colour to the poster. I then added the the .PNG file on top off these and then the text.

Jah Drops
With Jah Drops' poster, I add text to the the label and then in the bottom right hand corner. There is no branding currently for this company, so I went with a font that gave a homemade style to it, this was Mr Sandsfort.
Editing the photos and creating these posters allowed for to different elements to be used here. I got to look into fine detail editing with the use of Photoshops Camera RAW feature and then I then got to compose these posters.
The one thing I found hard in this task was the Jah Drops products, as they reflects light. This meant that they actually needed loads of touching up in photoshop to reduce the glare on the packages themselves, this was a very long process for these photos.