The Design Process
In order to come up with some ideas, the first step I took was to look at Breakfast In Bed related images. In order to create a comprehensible 'map' I could refer to during the process, I gathered these images into a mood board.
The second step was to look at the companies website, breakfastinbed.co.uk. This allowed me to see the companies aesthetic and any colours they tend to use.
Having gone through these steps I came up with the following designs.
Preliminarily Designs
These designs are based on the idea of the meal being served in-bed or on a tray. I experimented with how the breakfast food could be used to make up the logo. Due to the idea that the company will be affluent, I tried to ensure the logos all have a luxury feel.
Final concept
I eventually chose to create the logo using a croissant and a coffee cup, as these are both breakfast items that can be delivered with ease.
Either the coffee cup or croissant could also be used on the companies packaging as an icon.
The name of the company will be in the font 'Snell Roundhand', as this signifies elegance and also gives the logo a luxury feel.
The next step I took was to find colours to use, concentrating particularly on the colour of the saucer.
The shade of teal from the coffee cup came from the companies website. I used two different shades of the teal to show that the saucer has a lip.
I then used the eyedropper tool within Illustrator on an image of a croissant to ensure the colour was correct and realistic.
For the colour of the coffee, I decided to use an off white to replicate the look of steamed milk. The chocolate sprinkles colour was also found using the eyedropper tool, used on an image of regular chocolate

The finished product
I combined all of my research and my final concept to create the logo for Breakfast In Bed.
Overall i feel that the logo design is great for Breakfast In Bed, but to improve upon it I'd want to have a more naturalistic looking font for the companies name as it currently doesn't look hand-written.